Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Food allergy?

I'm not sure, but I think I may have a food allergy. To nitrates/nitrites. Over the past few months, I started to realize I was getting really bad headaches at really weird times. Often it started out with my mouth feeling really salty, and my tongue feeling like it was enormous. Then I started to get a headache that verged on migraine-like proportions. After a few times, I started to keep track of when it happened, and a pattern emerged. It was after eating breakfast sausage, Italian sausage, a large amount of ham, bratwurst, and then today, a hot dog. Today was the worst. I ate at noon and my head is still pounding. I've been flat on the sofa for a few hours asleep.

So, I'm thinking it's time for me to give up the processed meats. Or at least cut them back to the ittiest bitties portions when I do have them.

I did notice, though, that I seem to be okay with turkey sausage/bacon. But I would imagine they are processed similarly, so I don't know what that's all about.

All in all, I'm pretty bummed. I'm rather a fan of my sausages. And so is my husband. Poor guy. The things he's given up to marry me.

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