Saturday, December 11, 2010

On December 30….

We find out if next Christmas we'll be dressing our very own little Santa Claus


Or plaid princess:


Actually.  That’s not true.  My child would only wear those outfits if I lost all consciousness and had to be lobotomized.  And then fell down the stairs.  And possibly got blinded.  And run over.  Too much?  What can I say…I’m really fussy about what I like and dislike.  I really stole those particular ideas from the very best Christmas card ever (thanks Mrs. Onken—you crack me up!)

In reality, on the afternoon of December 30, we find out if next Christmas Grandma will be seeing a handsome boy in a sweater and khakis:


Or a sweet girl with a dress and tights and boots:


And if you are my sister, and you need to study for finals, please do not go near the Baby Gap website.  It will suck you  in and you will not get out quickly.  Case in point:  it took me more than ten minutes to decide which dress to post here.  There is too much cute.


Snap, Crackle & Pop said...

Thanks for the head's up...I will hold off until Thursday to check the Baby Gap website!

Cris said...

I have a co-worker that buys those type of cute outfits at Cracker Barrel. Of course, I try to steer her to the clearance racks....