Monday, May 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

One year ago today, I went from a Miss to a Mrs.

And what a year it's been.

This first year of marriage has been a fun, exciting, exhausting, exhilirating, trying, and totally awesome time.

So many things changed for me last May--I finished student teaching, I graduated from Purdue, I got married, I moved to Madison. Essentially nothing stayed the same. My name went from Keller to Cook. My address from Warren to Madison. My occupation from student to unemployed. It was intense.

And it was perfect.

Because I got the greatest husband. Every day I learn more about him and more about myself, and I am so thankful that the Lord has brought us together. So today, I want to post a few pictures from that perfect day last May....and think about what it began--this amazing marriage, this exciting life, this imperfect but blessed union.

Our first kiss as a married couple! Woo-hoo!

Leaving the ceremony, just escaping the last of the bubbles. But not the sunlight, which is why I look so squinty and this definitely wasn't the picture I thought. The other one is cuter. But I'm not in the mood to go back and switch it.

We've been married about 35 minutes in this picture....How exciting!

Our totally adorable pink cake. I loved that thing. The top is sitting in the refrigerator waiting to be eaten tonight. I'm a little nervous about that....but even if it's bad, it's okay, because we're going to Cheesecake Factory for lunch.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Hi Ashley! Thanks so much for your comment on my blog. And oh my goodness, Happy Anniversary!!! I loved seeing all of your pictures, and that cake was precious! LOVED it.

Hope y'all had a great anniversary!