Thursday, August 13, 2009

Twas the Night Before School Starts….

And I’m excited!

I didn’t realize how much I missed my hallway until today.  I got to spend the day working in my classroom, and chatting with co-workers.  I missed those women this summer!  I felt like we fell right back into the swing of things.  I hate to admit to you how little work I accomplished in early part of the morning, but it was so nice to catch up with my hall-mates.  In our building, I am back down a hallway that is sort of stranded from the rest of the building.  There are two other teachers in my hallway, and no one else never comes by.  So we have bonded.  And do whatever we want.  And I just love it.  So after a day of racing up and down the hall to share worksheets and flash drives and scrapbooks and cry over sad summer stories and find documents in the world’s largest PDF, I am almost ready to start school tomorrow.  I have just a few little things to do (and a lot of work this weekend….I know what I’m doing with my ninth graders for the first few weeks, but I’m struggling with speech), and I will be set for the start of class tomorrow.

2009-2010 school year, welcome.  Let’s have some fun (in a totally disciplined and darned hard English class kind of way)!

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