Monday, March 23, 2009

Catching Up!

Spring break is here!  Finally!  It didn't come a moment too soon.  It may have been late, really, in my estimation. 

Since this is Monday, it's really my first "official" break day.  And I'm starting to feel the life come back into me.  I have rested some, and started to be able to carry on full conversations.  It's amazing!  With my newfound energy (from rest and the spoonfuls of homemade chocolate cinnamon frosting) I have decided to catch up on a few here are some stories from the past few weekends.


Three weekends ago, I was in WL, home of the Sweet Sixteen bound Boilermakers, and my former place of residence.  I was there for a bridal shower for my sweet and darling former roommate Lauren.  The shower marked the start of the pre-wedding festivities, and it was so exciting.  It was seriously the best bridal shower I have ever been to.  Lauren's mom has such an eye for details, that everything was just stunning...from the location, to the decoration, to the food placement on plates, and the wrapping on the giveaway gifts.  She is everywoman.  Seriously.  The hostess with the mostest.  Look at this beautiful (and delightfully delicious) cake: 

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And the fruit!

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And the bride (Lauren, I'm so sorry....somehow I don't have a picture of your eyes open)--isn't her purple sweater/purple and white dress combination DARLING?

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Truly, the only thing that wasn't perfect about that day was the six hours I spent on the was windy, and my car is small.  For the next shower, I'm hoping to convince Mr. Smooch to drive me and go see some of his friends.

We also went to a nearby town to do some shopping with friends that Sunday.  On that day, I made a solemn pledge to never try to pick out my own lipstick shades again.  I hearby nominate the people who choose the Clinique bonus gift to forever pick my lipstick colors.  Because the last four colors I've gotten for "free" are my favorites.  Very few that I pick out for myself work.  My favorites are:


Bamboo Pink                    



Raspberry Glace (it's very sheer, so it's not as IN.YOUR.FACE. as it looks)

I just looked up the Indianapolis area Bonus time.  The Macy's by Andy's parents has Bonus Time from April 5-19, and the Saks right by their house is April 19-25.  I should see if I have any plans on April 19 :)


The following weekend began with a misunderstanding.  I told Andy I would like to redo our bathroom in "the coming weeks."  He heard "this week."  So he got a bit irritated with me and started ripping out the bathroom floor.  A day later, and we had an entirely new bathroom.  Here's the evolution of this bathroom since we have lived in this house:

When we arrived:

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After we had the subfloor fixed

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Leftover tan paint

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And now:

Where are we going?

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Oh, I know!

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This fella redid that whole floor and played with electricity.  Then he took pictures too!  He is everyman. 

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And a closer look at the light fixture (which I love)

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And a truer look at the colors (top half--Benjamin Moore Saint Martin Sand, Bottom--Benjamin Moore Rich Clay Brown)

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And now, we're finally catching up!  These people came over Friday night

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Note: These pictures were taken at my birthday a month ago.  There is not a Crate and Barrel in my backyard.  But I sure wish there was.

And were joined by these people on Saturday

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Upon entering the house, the gentlemen went back to the bathroom and started to shout, "DEAR, YOU WERE RIGHT.  THEY REDID THE FLOOR."

Can I tell you how much I love that my daddy calls my mama "dear" after 26 years of marriage?

Then when the mama went to the bathroom, she shouted back, "Oh!!!  This is beautiful!!!"

Can I tell you I think it's a little weird that my parents were shouting at us from my bathroom?

Then the mama, the Lauren, the Marcus and I went to Cincinnati to go here

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Where I controlled myself far better than I ever have before.  I bought some curtain ring clips, a towel stand, and three houseplants.  And drooled over this:

In my ideal living room, there would be two of those, opposite a chocolate brown loveseat, with a chocolate brown sofa in the middle.  All of them facing the television, seated on this (which my mama loves we may end up with matching ones, which is fine, since we live so far apart)

Give me a few months.  Or a year.

Lauren ended up with more than anyone.  She got bamboo, a rug, curtains, and a shoe holder.  And maybe more, but I don't really remember.  I feel like mom bought  a few glasses and some houseplants for school. 

Then we came home, watched Purdue win, had some dinner, and mom and dad left.  Sunday, L and M left while we were at church.  A and I had lunch at the Hoffman's...and pretty much spent the rest of the day sleeping or resting.  Well.  I did.  Andy did some freelance work.

And now you're caught up to today.  I'll post more this week, since I have the time :)

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