Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesday, or the longest day of my life.

So yesterday ended up being a doozy. And I am still recovering.

I had new teacher orientation, which lasted from 8-1ish. It was nice to meet the other new teachers, and realize that I was the only female hired on at the high school this year. The men, they bonded quickly over their common love of all things sport-related.

After I left my meeting, I headed over to my classroom where--wait for it--they had turned on the air conditioning! Praise the Lord it's fixed! It wasn't perfect (it takes awhile to cool down a high school that's been un-air conditioned all summer) but it was something, and it was something beautiful. And my room looked much better! I could tell they had been in to sweep it at one point...but apparently some of the funny pipey looking things in my ceiling still aren't finished and they have misplaced the flibbertigibbet they need, so my ceiling tiles are still out, and there's some insulation on the floor. No big deal. I can work around that. I'm flexible. I said so in my interview.

Then Mr. Dad arrived and he and I spent about 3 hours putting up the fabric on my bulletin board (until I broke my stapler not too far in), tried to put up my posters (but I didn't have any way to stick them to the wall), stamped and numbered all 100 some odd textbooks, and brought all of my stuff in from my car and organized my desk. And cleared out my storage closet so I have some space to store stuff. And stowed things in my filing cabinet and such.

Quick note--the quote of the day from Dad:
"Are you going to have another carload tomorrow."
Me:"No, that should be about it. I have a few more little things. But not another carload."
Dad: "Your mother had a carload of plants."

It was probably only funny if you were there.

Then we came home. And I had a suprise! Andy bought me flowers. And he wrote me the sweetest note telling me that he loved me and how proud he was of me as I start my new career. And it was the sweetest thing.

Then Andy came home.

And almost rear ended me.

Because his brakes stopped working. Because the break line rusted through. And so we began the fixing process at 5:15.

And finished at 10.

Because it was ridiculously difficult to find the part we needed. We went to two auto parts stores, a tractor store, a car dealership, and back to the original auto store, where they had something that would work in a pinch.

But Andy is a rockstar. And he finished it. And it works. And all are pleased.

So last night when I crawled (almost literally) into bed, on the brink of exhaustion, I was so, so pleased. It was the happiest I have ever been to see my bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK. Ok It ius true I had a car load of plants, two or three more of my stuff. When you have taught 22 years you will have all of your stuff too that has to go into your room. Plus remember I teach First Graders who need more stuff provided for them to keep focused.