Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My friend Jillian

So, I have an on again/off again friendship. And it's one that I'd like to be more on than off. That relationship is with my friend Jilllian. Here she is:

Jillian was a New Year's impulse buy at Wal-Mart. Our beginning relationship was rough. I thought she wanted to kill me. She might have. But then, I started school again and our friendship sort of went by the wayside. Then, over spring break, we picked back up again. Only to fall back off again after spring break. Early in May I decided that I needed to be more diligent in my exercise. And I was. For about ten days. But then school....

Are you sensing a pattern here?

Well, today I had an "OHSHOOT" moment.

An "Oh shoot, Lauren's wedding is in less than two weeks" moment.

An "Oh shoot, my vacation with Mariah, Shannon, and our mamas is two weeks from tomorrow" moment.

And an "Oh shoot, I am going on a BEACH RESORT VACATION with my husband in like exactly a month" moment.

What caused that "Oh shoot" moment? When my new pants (the ones that are a size smaller that I bought in March?) were fitting funny today....and I realized it was because the waistband was just a pinch too tight.

So I have renewed my relationship with Jillian. And I have Andy keeping me accountable. He's brave like that. Jillian and I are hanging out....and I'm cutting back on my serious snacking issues. And hopefully it will pay off by the time I go on my second vacation. Do you hate me? It's okay if you do.

Andy called at 5 to tell me that he would be late tonight because he has some things that HAVE TO BE FINISHED TOMORROW...and there is not enough time in his tomorrow. I told him that Jillian and I have renewed our relationship, but I think she's kind of mad at me....because she made my arms feel like Jell-o. He laughed at me, but I think he's glad we're back together....he knows how much better things are when Jillian and I hang out. Earlier in the month, I was preparing to move up to Level 2, but then I fell off the wagon, but I'm hoping I can do it in a few days this time around. I'll keep you up to date :)

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