Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Liam officially has a favorite author


I have my clear favorites of Liam’s books, but he has started to develop his own tastes and preferences, and will grab one book over another, which is so exciting.  Liam’s current favorite author is Leslie Patricelli.  He has two of her board books: Quiet, Loud and Yummy, yucky and he wants them to be read over and over. 

Last night we were reading Quiet, Loud, and he was full-on belly laughing as we read it.  Then he grabbed the book from me and hit me in the face with it when we were finished..which I took to mean read it again…turns out, I was right.  We read it three times.  Then I grabbed Yummy, Yucky to see if it had the same effect—it did.


I am kind of excited to be entering the phase where Liam wants me to read to him…and especially that he wants certain books.

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