Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring break has sprung..hopefully spring isn't too far behind

It's finally spring break time. Woohoo! I went to the library today and got my very own library card. Well...sort of got it. They wouldn't let me have it. They have to mail it to me. I also went to Wal-Mart to try and buy some free weights and an elastic stretchy band...but Wal-Mart didn't have an elastic stretchy band. Apparently good health isn't real hot here in the sticks. I'll be in Indy Friday, so I'll try Target.

Speaking of Wal-Mart....I spent 45 minutes attempting to find bathroom scales in that blasted store. I asked several different employees where to go, and none of them could help me. They sent me to four or five different places (housewares, the pharmacy, exercise equipment, diapers...okay, not diapers) and none were to be found. Andy informed me later that they are by the space heaters in the home improvement section. Huh? Why?

Also, yesterday, I found mold in our house. Ew. Yuck. Mold. But I fixed it (with the advice of a trusty neighbor). I fancy myself Superwoman.

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