Monday, March 17, 2008

Leprechaun Day

Last Friday, my super cutie grade ones set their very own home-built Leprechaun traps throughout our classroom. We had a variety of traps, with a lot of different bait, and they were sure they were going to catch one. This morning they arrived and our classroom was a disaster! Traps had been moved, flipped over, gold had been removed, desks were tipped over and papers were all over the floor. The class was flabbergasted.

And then they saw it.

A note from THE LEPRECHAUN in green on the blackboard.

He wrote:
You tried to trap me
but I got away
Enjoy your gold
and have a Happy Leprechaun Day!

And he left them a present--gold covered chocolates on Mrs. Cook's desk.

Now if that wasn't the best first 15 minutes of those kids' school careers, I surely don't know what is.

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