Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm thankful I'm not Noah

For the past two days, we have had some seriously intense rain. Seriously intense. The river is swollen (near flood stages) and the ground can't handle the water that is coming down. Yesterday I had a two hour flood delay because we were under a level two emergency. A flood delay. Yup. Things sure are different here in the southern part of the state.

But the rain didn't just cause problems caused problems here. Definite problems here. In the wee hours of yesterday as I was having my quiet time, I could hear clanging and water flowing, and I had no idea what it was. I woke Andy up and he listened to it as well. He thought it might be the vent on the roof, so he went to check it out. Before dawn. In the rain. With a rake and a dinky flashlight. It wasn't on the roof, or in the attic.

Later he discovered it was coming from our crawlspace. That was under 10 inches of water. So he bought a sump pump and set it up and it sort of worked, but definitely wasn't going to fix the problem. So he spent most of the evening trying to figure out how to fix the problem. At this point, we had no heat. The heat went off around noon, when we realized that there was most assuredly water rising through the ducts and were we to continue to heat our house, it would become a steam room. Or a swimming pool. And our homeowners insurance spent two hours fiddling around before telling us they wouldn't do anything.

Finally, right around 8 pm we start to make some progress. We left a message with a neighbor (a friend from church who happens to work for a company that specializes in repairing natural chaos damage in homes). Andy went to buy space heaters to give our house some semblance of warmth. And some dear friends from church stopped by to see how we were and if they could help in any way. It was so lovely just to have them there for a bit. I felt much calmer (and a bit slap happier) after they left. Soon after that, the other man called back with the start of a solution, and told Andy he'd stop by today and take a look at it. He is pretty sure we won't need to call someone, that we can fix the problem ourselves. So now, it's time for another day of school....and I'm exhausted. But my house isn't flooded, and the space heaters worked well for that I am thankful :)

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