I’m not sure if I mentioned this or not, but we gave up cable a few weeks ago. Our one year contract was up, and our bill went up by like 85 dollars a month. We switched to a different service (with better internet, no contract, stable prices), but chose not to keep our cable. Andy and I try to be intentional with our spending. We both prefer to save and to give as much as possible, and hate feeling wasteful with our spending.
This led to us sitting down and trying to figure out where some of our wasteful spending was coming. There are a lot of things on that list, and we will gradually work to cut some of those down as well. Actually, it hasn’t been so gradual. We’ve had thousands of dollars of dental work come up between the two of us this fall, so we kind of had to cut back already in order to pay for that. But all that’s to say, there’s more to come.
One of the first things we figured out that we really didn’t need was our cable. Between Hulu and the CBS website, we can get 98 percent of the shows we watch. We can download 8 episodes of The Soup on i-Tunes for something like 6 dollars. And we already have Netflix on Demand through the Playstation, so we can always watch whatever movies or tv shows they have there. Or wait until the season DVD comes out and have it sent via regular Netflix. This week has been our first real week of trying out our plan (since most shows just started), and I have to say that I’m perfectly content. For less than half the amount a month (even less than what our old cable bill had gone up by), we can still get everything, just a day delayed. We just plug my laptop into the HDMI cables for the TV and watch away. On Tuesday we watched How I Met Your Mother. Last night we watched NCIS together, and I watched Chuck and Glee on my own. It was easy, quick, and totally on my own terms. The only downfall we’ve seen thus far is the loss of football games. Andy kind of misses watching the Colts and Purdue play, but I kind of feel like he’ll get used to it. And if there’s a big game, we can always see if we can go to someone else’s house.
I’m going to chalk this one up as a good decision.