Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A difference between Andy and Ashley

So….I have a mildly funny story to share.  At least, I think it’s funny.

I am the family grocery shopper.  I have my routines, and I do my thing.  Usually I try to plot out a few meals and get the ingredients for those, and stock up on our normal staples.   The staples I generally write out in the order they are in the store, simply because that’s how they work in my mind.  The recipes, though, I just scribble willy-nilly the ingredients I need and scan my list when I get to every aisle to see what I need to grab before I get through.

Last weekend, Andy went with me.  It’s rare that it happens because he’s a notorious junk food grabber (3 boxes of macaroni and cheese this time…not bad at all) and it makes me nuts to spend too much money there.  This time I knew I was spending a small fortune, so it wasn’t a big deal.  I hadn’t been to the store in three weeks, and no, we really can’t go that long.  We got to know the people in the Wendy’s drive thru pretty well last week.  So I knew I needed strong man arms to wheel the cart around.

When we got to the store, Andy pulled out my list, and he was appalled.  He couldn’t understand why I didn’t split everything up into its appropriate aisle so we could get through the store “more efficiently.”  Every aisle he would make some comment about it…especially when I forgot the rice AND the Romano cheese and had to go back for them.

On the way home, he told me he was thinking about writing a program for me to use that would auto put my grocery list in the correct order.  So all I would have to do is type in the ingredients I need, and it would sort it for me.  I would LOVE it if he did make me the program….I just thought it was a very Andy idea of working out the grocery store :)

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